Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO
Ready to unleash your feminine power so you can shine fully in a life-work blend that’s uniquely suited to YOU?

Listen to my free Masterclass now.

Unleash Your Feminine Power as a Fully Shining Woman: How to Answer Your Soul Calling & Manifest Your Dreams

by Meghan Gilroy

Let’s listen to your soul, together!

Home Study Training

Sacred Practices

Whether you’ve been on your spiritual path for years or starting on your journey, these are the 9 Spiritual Practices that help you stay centered in this midst of your full life and today’s complex world…

Community & Course

Sacred Woman Sanctuary

Looking for your feminine spiritual community & home? Join our sisterhood of ceremony & support so you can regularly tune into your inner guidance, harness the power of the Sacred Feminine & receive clear direction for your life & work.

1:1 Coaching

Shamanic Healing Packages

Let’s activate your soul, unleash your feminine power and nurture deep trust within yourself so you can create an abundant soul-led life & work that is uniquely tailored to you.

Want a taste of how I can help you trust your soul purpose, step into your full power and intentionally create a business and life that opens you up to be a fully shining woman?

You are not alone

“Meghan was the catalyst to setting myself free. I stopped abandoning myself, started listening to my feelings and soul and knitted my body and spirit back together. Working with her was a huge turning point in my life and career.”

Stephanie Urbina Jones
#1 Billboard Singer & Songwriter

“Meghan created a beautiful, safe and powerful container and then expertly facilitated an opportunity for me to allow the wisdom of my guides to show me a new path. The power of the experience can not be minimized as it changed everything. I am now experiencing a new relationship with the world and greater awareness, in the moment, of what is in the way of ‘flow.’  That’s given me a greater ability to choose the joyous path, the beauty way.

The gratitude I feel is fathomless.”

Caroline Lupe Alan
Beam Minerals

“Meghan leads the way for those of us who are feeling the call to step up, out and shine brighter in our purpose as change-makers at this time. Working with Meghan has had a profound impact on me owning my gifts and my truth, which in tangible terms has enabled me to be more visible online in my message and offering, as well as embrace my authentic leadership at a whole new level.”

Emily Johnsson
Changemaker, Self-Leadership Coach & Facilitator

“Working with Meghan served me at the highest level – from clearly seeing my soul’s purpose, to finding my niche to the Herculean task of re-inventing my business on a deadline. I’ve never met another mentor who has such enormous integrity or desire to have her clients reach their fullest potential.”

Anna-Claire Walsh
Intuitive Soul-Guidance Counselor

“Working with Meghan is like being a contestant on a singing competition like The Voice. You already have amazing talent yet you haven’t had the experience of stepping out on stage in front of millions and you need a coach who can help you gain full confidence, really shine and showcase your full abilities.”

Terry Ludwig
Certified Life/Relationship Coach & Yoga Teacher

Upcoming Events

Sacred Woman Sanctuary & Temple Tenders

Full Moon Ceremony

Thursday, October 17th, 5:30-7:30 pm MT.
Time Converter here.
Broadcast Online and also In-Person at The Opaloka on Pitkin Mesa, Paonia, CO

You already know the power of women gathering in ceremony. Come be the heartbeat of our community – in harmony with yourself, your soul, your sisters, the moon and this land. This is the soft landing pad for you to exhale, turn inward, feel held and harness the power of the moon & Sacred Feminine.

More on Sacred Woman Sanctuary (online sisters outside of North Fork Valley in Colorado)

More on Temple Tenders (in person for locals with a service exchange)


Sync Up to Your Soul Purpose & Sacred Work for the World


Saturday, October 19th, 10 – 4pm
True Nature, 100 N 3rd St, Carbondale, CO
$88 early bird discount by Oct. 5th
$108 general admission

Feeling unfulfilled, tired, stressed, lonely, or unhappy? These are often signs that we dismiss around being out of alignment with your soul purpose or not offering your Sacred Work in the world.

Join me for a half-day retreat to assess your life and work, open up your 4 Intuitive Channels & connect with your Spirit Guides and create a Sacred Work Mandala know where to focus your time and energy. There’s nothing like waking up every day feeling a full bodied yes! and experiencing clarity, fulfillment, resilience and abundance in your life and work.


What is a shaman? What is shamanism?

What is a shaman? What is shamanism?

I could have easily been voted “least likely to become a shaman” instead of “most likely to succeed” in high school. I was the consummate high achiever, perfectionist, people pleasing good girl who graduated top of my class as the daughter of accountants from...

Forget a Daily Practice or Morning Routine – Try This Instead

Forget a Daily Practice or Morning Routine – Try This Instead

  "I can't seem to stick to a morning practice," I've had many a friend and client sigh in frustration. I assure them that there is nothing wrong with them - and perhaps reframing how to create a morning practice that they actually want to do and works for them would...

intro graphic

intro hello
You’re here! That makes my heart happy.

My soul’s calling is to gather a tribe of powerful women leaders – healers, coaches, teachers, creatives, community activists, soul-led entrepreneurs, moms, retired wise women – so we can be of deep service to our world.

We’re part of a beautiful, more conscious way of living and working that’s evolving on our planet – one based on being inward trusting instead of outward pleasing.

Community, connection and collaboration are on the rise. And you’ve been preparing for this time (probably for several lifetimes!) 

I mentor and hold a safe space for you to be unabashedly and fabulously yourself, in sync with your soul in a true sisterhood of women supporting women.

We support each other in creating a unique, abundant life & work that is utterly unique and natural to you.

It’s time to stop listening to doubt or online cookie-cutter experts and start fully trusting our own deep truths.

You are a gift. You have a message to express and your own family, community or business to nourish. Let’s get out there and shine!

Our planet needs YOU, now. I’d be honored to be in service to you as a truth guide.

If you’d like to get to know me and how I can help you harmonize your soul with your business (and life), check out these short videos I created for you.

So let’s link arms together, as one. Hold on to your panties, we’re in for a wild ride!

To your fully shining life,

More about me…

It’s time for you to shine!

Need inspiration? Motivation? A reflection of how awesome you are? Listen in to the original song Soul Shine by my friend Sami Akert.


Our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds. You matter. At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet. Join our tribe!

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Get the TOP STRATEGIES to create a lucrative, online business that lights up your soul!

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