The Path to Purpose: How Embracing My Story Led to Deeper Fulfillment
There’s a force in me, an ancient calling, that no amount of striving for perfection or trying to please others could ever silence. For years, I lived the life that was expected of me—ticking every box of success, serving, achieving, proving my worth. Until one day,...
From Shadow to Shine: Reclaiming Your Inner Light
This past fall and winter, I travelled to the “underworld” as I slowed down and turned my attention inward. The “underworld” in shamanic mythology is the internal space we visit when we are looking at our unconscious shadow – the parts of ourselves that we would...
How Empaths Can Stay Grounded in Overwhelming Times
Checking in… How are you faring these WTF times? For so many, the ground seems to be shifting under our feet with so many fast changes – whether it’s in our personal lives or out in the larger world in the political arena. Within myself and from my students and...