Embrace the truth of who you are. You are love and light. Endless possibilities abound. Shine! For years, I’ve heard – and spouted off – these truths. Lately? I just ain’t feeling them, Shaman Girls. Right now they sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher saying...
Why is it so scary to tell the truth? The water is running for an usually long time in the bathroom. Never a good sign when you have a five year old and you’re just waking up. I groggily plod in to check it out, “What’s going on?” “Nothing,” Shaman Boy replies, not...
Hello Sweet Shaman Girls, Okay, fine. I’ll admit it. I am a little bit scared. There. Said it. I am a little bit scared for oh so many reasons. First and foremost is the fact (Shaman Myth No. 1 Busted) that shamans are not supposed to be scared, more often they are...
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