Spirituality | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO - Part 6

I am.

Do you ever wake up from a dream that feels vitally important, but you just can’t quite remember it? You lay there for a few moments doing your best to conjure it back up, but all you can grasp are a few fragments. You try to puzzle together the pieces, knowing they...

What No One Talks About

There is a war going on inside of my head and heart. F bombs are being dropped, blame hurled, subversive guilt employed, smoke screens of confusion thrown in, and one very achy heart sorting through it all. The war that’s going on is over being a woman – or rather...

Yoo Hoo Turning Toward the Light

Sometimes I feel like a lighthouse. Lights on. Shining bright. Beaming. Lights off. Lights on. Shining bright. Beaming. Lights off. Cue in foghorn here. When the light is on, I feel in the flow. Clear. Confident. High on life. Full on Shaman Girl shiny. And then I...

Itty Bitty Choices That Matter

My eyes glaze over briefly while my pen suspends in the air. I’m filling out school forms for Shaman Boy and need to decide which email address to use for the school directory that is sent out to all the parents. I have three emails and each have a decidedly different...

Step Into The Moment

Tidbit…. Last night, I put down the iphone connection and grabbed onto the real-time connection: the blue moon cascading its white light, the sound of the river racing past the granite rocks, the heat of the fire burning bright in the pit, the little boy and big...

Who Wants to be Normal Anyway?

I am giving it up, girlfriends. My desire to be normal that is. But trust me, my old frenemy Norma isn’t going without a fight. Who’s Norma? Norma has powers and abilities that I do not. She can hang out at a mall all day and not be totally over stimulated and fried...
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