Forget a Daily Practice or Morning Routine – Try This Instead

“I can’t seem to stick to a morning practice,” I’ve had many a friend and client sigh in frustration.

I assure them that there is nothing wrong with them – and perhaps reframing how to create a morning practice that they actually want to do and works for them would be a better solution.

So how about we let go of “morning routine” or “morning practice” and instead invite in “daily tending?”

My daily tending is when I check in with myself, see what I want or need and, then tend to myself so I can tend to what’s coming in my day and tend to those in my life.

It changes over time and day to day.

If I don’t make the time to hold myself as sacred, to listen to myself, then I feel off kilter and I can’t show up fully for myself or the rest of my world.

So when I hear women say that they just don’t have time for a morning practice or they can’t stick to a morning routine, what if you weren’t meant to?

What if your morning tending could change and breathe and grow and contract depending on your season of life, the oncoming day, the seasons around you?

My morning tending goes through phases – the activity, the amount of time, where and when I do it all change.

This winter I got up daily and sang to the 4 directions.

These days I’ve been meditating when I wake up, then journaling, tune into what I’m guiding to do for the day.

Before I start working, I light a candle, set my intent and tend to my altar.

By the time you are reading this, I bet it will have changed once again.

What I suggest is that you come up with a “menu” of options for your daily tending. Write out a list and then check in with yourself to see what you most want or need.

Here’s some ways you could bring the sacred into your day:

  • Light a candle
  • Journal
  • Check in with how you feel
  • Set your intent for the day
  • Say a prayer
  • Call in your guides
  • Honor the directions
  • Talk a walk
  • Make exactly what you want to eat
  • Prepare and drink a beverage mindfully
  • Pour a little on the Earth
  • Pull an oracle card
  • Tend to your altar
  • Meditate for 5 minutes, or 11 or an hour
  • Take a flower essence, use essential oils or other herbals
  • Create a smoking ritual (saging, incense, smudging)
  • Check into what your priorities are for the day
  • Go back to sleep!
  • Take a bath

What works for you? I’d love to hear! Add a comment, send me an email or come over to Instagram.

And if you’d like support in creating 9 Sacred Practices to re-center yourself in these turbulent times, check out my Sacred Practices Home Study Training.

Take care of yourself!

Meghan Gilroy is a shamanic healer, and mama who has supported countless women in adding in daily tending and sacred self-care to their full lives. If you’d like support in this walk, you can schedule a free clarity call or check out how to work with her privately through Shamanic Healing.

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