This past fall and winter, I travelled to the “underworld” as I slowed down and turned my attention inward.
The “underworld” in shamanic mythology is the internal space we visit when we are looking at our unconscious shadow – the parts of ourselves that we would rather hide, the feelings we’d rather ignore and the past situations that are unresolved.
Vast amounts of creative life force energy are stored there for our awakening and harnessing.
It’s a place of great truth telling.
Over a great many months, I realized that I wasn’t being honest with myself (or with you) about the work I really do.
I was forever camouflaging my soul purpose out of fear that it would be too spiritual, misunderstood and judged.
When one of my mentors asked me, “If you were being interviewed on the Today show, how would you respond to ‘Tell me about your work’?”
I blurted out,
“I help women activate, own and share their inner light,
in service to our world.”
Then I immediately wondered if anyone “watching” would understand what I meant.
With some coaching, I heard myself saying, “Sharing your sacred light may sound spiritual – yet who hasn’t dimmed your light when walking into a room at work? Or contorted what you feel or need with your family? Or disguised what you truly wanted with your partner?”
In that moment, I realized that there isn’t a woman I’ve met who couldn’t relate to dimming her light in this world.
There’s also been a counterforce active in my life – and in the lives of each woman who I have the joy to work with.
I’d be willing to claim that this force is alive in you too.
What I sense in me, in you, with what’s happening in response to all the chaos in the worldly world is a fierce, relentless calling.
It’s so wild and sacred that no amount of fear, doubt striving for perfection or trying to please others could ever silence.
We’re living in times when it may appear like the forces of oppression, control and manipulative conflict are strong.
Yet just like we can no longer ignore this global shadow coming into the light,
We can’t override or hide our personal shadow, our real feelings or our deeper longings.
Our shadow isn’t something to fear or ignore. It’s where our trapped power and greatest strengths lie.
The truth is, when you ignore your deeper longings – whether it’s for your own personal freedom, for fulfillment, for harmony – they don’t go away because that is your soul calling.
They grow louder, simmering beneath the surface, leaving you stuck, disconnected, discontented, and wondering why you secretly desire to escape some aspects of your life.
Yet what I know in my belly, blood and bones is that when you answer your soul calling, you amplify your inner light.
When you activate your lit-up life, then you are of service.
And together, as we each answer our call, we uplift our world.
So here’s 4 Ways You Can Stop Dimming You Sacred Light:
1. Notice when you are pushing aside or ignoring anger, sadness, resentment or frustration.
Ask Yourself, “If I were to believe this emotion is here for a helpful reason, what is it asking me to notice and admit to myself?”
2. Give yourself permission to rest and play.
Constant pushing and doing are shadow and trauma responses.
3. Create an altar and light a candle on it each day.
Recognize you are activating that sacred light within you by lighting the candle’s wick.
4. Surround yourself with friends who see your beauty and brilliance and can remind you when you forget.
Want more?
If you’re ready to look at why you’ve been dimming your light in an area of your life or work – and how to receive clear guidance from your soul so you’ll know where to focus your time and energy, then here’s two more ways I help women activate, own and share your sacred light.
9 Sacred Practices to Do Your Way, Your Time, Your Pace, & Without Guilt Online Home Study Training
🆕 Claim Your Sacred Light Private 1:1 Shamanic Healing & Mentoring
I’m no longer hiding what I really do.
I’m also no longer ignoring the parts of my life that don’t support me sharing my light and soul mission with our world.
I trust you aren’t either.
Because we are here to bring the world to a new way of being – one where our creativity, vulnerability, joy and care for the whole are valued.
We can’t waste our time or energy anymore.
You are precious and sacred and we need you to shine fully.
I’m here for you.
Meghan Gilroy is a shamanic healer and spiritual mentor who helps women answer their soul’s calling, amplify their sacred light, and create a lit-up life that uplifts the world. Rooted in the teachings of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, she blends timeless feminine wisdom with modern spiritual practices to spark transformation in individuals, families, and communities.
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Learn more about Sacred Practices Home Study Program or Sacred at Work Online Immersion
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