Fully Shining Women Leading Our World | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO

I have a vision of a tribe of fully shining women leading our world.

Would you like to be part of that tribe? Is this you?!?

You trust yourself. You trust your intuition.
You don’t need any more programs or trainings to tell you what to do. AND you are open to receiving the perfect message or reflection at just the right time.

You like hearing about what others at your level of success and expertise are doing that sparks or validates what you are working on.

You are owning your own light.
You’ve been working (and playing) for YEARS, decades even. Doing the inner work. Building the business. Personally evolving. Being of service. Gathering your own community.

You hold space for others.
AND you want to be held. You want accountability so you don’t play small. In fact, you’re here to shine fully in business and life.

You are unique.
No one else is delivering the exact message you are. AND you’d love to have the support to know it’s okay to take as much time as you need. It’s okay to sometimes wonder how you’ll ever share a vision this BIG with your clients and the world.

You are authentic and living in your integrity.
I’m not throwing around words here. I’m talking about walking your talk for reals.

Being really in touch with yourself, what’s true to you, what you value, what your gifts are and why you are here on this planet.

NO ONE is running their business the way YOU do.
No cookie-cutters here. AND there are times when you need a reminder to do it YOUR way, to go back to what is true to YOU, to listen to that intuition even when it doesn’t make sense or you can’t see exactly where you will end up.

You are brave and bold.
You are taking new risks. Trusting those inner nudges. Saying “yes” when you mean “yes” and “no” when you mean “no.” AND you’re developing that ability to be bolder and braver.

You appreciate having trusted confidantes who can help you read the label from inside the bottle when you can’t see for yourself how to uplevel your business or how to take the next right step in the direction of your highest vision.

You are spiritual. And you are practical.
You can walk between the worlds. You embrace your own brand of spirituality AND you also know your way around technology, marketing, a spreadsheet – whatever it takes to run a real business.

You have your sh!t together (most of the time).
Your life and business are good. You’ve put in the effort to create a business and life you love. AND that doesn’t mean that everything’s perfect.

Yes there are times when it feels like it’s falling apart – AND you are committed to using whatever is causing that rub to heal yourself, to confront the conflict and to bring yourself into greater levels of harmony and ease.

Is this you??

Pop me a comment below…

To a business and life that light up your soul,

PS I’ve been in an intense process this last year getting clarity on my business and who I am meant to work with. My website is undergoing a big overhaul… more to be revealed!

If you resonate with this way of being in life and in business and are looking for a mentor for 1:1 coaching, private retreats or a new group experience I’m pulling together, I’d love to talk. You can grab a time here. 

Here’s to an amazing 2020!

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