#site_titleSizzlin Hot Success Giveaway

I had a cranky morning the other day and then it all changed when…


I had a lot on my to do list including filming a few videos for the Sizzlin’ Hot Success Giveaway, but was balled up worrying about money and all the shifts in my business.

My wise hubby suggested I take a walk.

As I felt the tears release, the wind on my face and looked out at the epic mountains around me, I ruefully wondered how I would look on video after crying.

And yet I felt the inspiration in the moment so I pushed record instead.

I’m sharing this for a few reasons.

First, because I’m noticing when I follow the energy and take care of myself physically and emotionally, I get more done than plowing through my list.

I’m embracing this new, more fluid, inspired, creative way of working.


Who’s with me?

And secondly, I don’t often participate in giveaways both because my list size usually doesn’t qualify and also because there are just so many out there.

Yet when my friend Courtney Fae Long invited me and shared she’d be teaching a class The Link Between Your Sexuality and Sizzlin’ Hot Business Success, I thought, “That’s interests me! I bet my Fully Shining Women might like this too.”

So that’s why I’m inviting you to participate.

The other speakers and I are giving you FREE GIFTS, PRIZES, HOT TIPS, live classes, and inspiration to Uplevel Your Business, Money Flow, Love Life, and S.e.x Life. Woo hoo!


This online event is absolutely free.

Just us sharing from our hearts and helping you this spring.

No long interviews, just short, hot video tips, valuable free gifts, and 2 LIVE classes.

It’s fun and easy to participate in and starts Saturday, March 20, the first day of spring.

The best part?

After I sent in my video & meditation on How to Activate Your SOUL Success, Courtney sent me this note,

“I’ve been wanting to tell you that I loooved your hot tip video. It is so soulful, and I absolutely loved what you shared.

The questions were so impactful.

And I loooved that you recorded it outside just after your walk (what incredible space you have! I loved your horse and the mountains!).”

What a great validation for this new way of working and being.

I hope you join us!

To your fully shining life & business,

P.S. You’ll have to let me know if you can pick up on the “bursting into spring” energy after the tears!

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