spiritual growth | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO
Permission to Listen to Your Sweet Soft Body

Permission to Listen to Your Sweet Soft Body

It’s getting very crowded under the deep layers of my covers on my bed. There are extra pillows, a stray hat, an emotional support knitted chicken (it’s a thing – look it up later), my daughter’s stuffed animals along with all the inner parts of myself that have been...
Year-End Ritual with Multi-Year Results

Year-End Ritual with Multi-Year Results

These last few weeks have been disconcerting. My greatest desire has been to spend as much time as possible under as many covers as possible. By 6:30, I’ve often been in bed, hunkering down with books or journals or deep diving into my Year-End Ritual (which I’m about...

Lean In

Lean in. This phrase has been popping out at me – off of Sheryl Sandberg’s book title, magazine articles, videos. Lean in. Lean in to life. Lean in to the discomfort. Lean in to going for what makes me feel truly alive. Lean in to saying yes – or no. Lean in to...

Which Spiritual Path is for Me?

There are millions of spiritual paths out there. How do you find the spiritual path for you? Follow the lead of Shaman Girl Meghan Gilroy’s puppy dogs – discover how to find your way home and recognize the signs of being on the ‘right...
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