How to Add More Laughter & Love in Your Life
How do you add more love and more laughter into your life? 🤔 I recently realized that I had forgotten about the importance of laughing, fun, pleasure, play – what about you? There’s a gentle softening happening within me. An inner kindness I’m extending...
Set Your Intentions for the New Year 2022
How do you set your intentions for a New Year in 2022? I am sloooowly emerging from being offline at the end of 2021 – and giving myself a lot of gentle permission to drop back into quiet and contemplation as needed, with intentional rounds of taking inspired action....
(Un)Happy Holidays to You! Podcast with Meghan Gilroy
I used to approach the holiday season with a spreadsheet (for real!) and gritted teeth – and end it feeling disappointed, depleted and resentful. So I was pretty surprised to discover I’m excited about this year – because I’m slowing down, questioning how and what I...