The Soft Underbelly
Images are healing balms to me. I’ll notice how I’m feeling… and if I sit with the feeling, an image will emerge – one that allows me to articulate exactly what I’m experiencing. The relief of being able to feel, see, and put words to my inner world is immense. I...
2012: The End of the World
“It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine…” (Do I even need to credit R.E.M.?) It’s 2012. The end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. And I feel fine… if fine stands for “Freaked out Insecure Neurotic and Emotional.” (That’s an Italian Job...
Facing the Unknown
My mind likes to create islands of safety. It is quite happy in it (mistaken) belief that tomorrow will be another day, just like today. I will wake up, care for my family, work, sleep. Repeat. For many who work a 9-5 job, outside the home, you may feel like you’re on...
One and Done
Grief comes in many forms and sizes. There’s big grief when you lose a loved one, discover you have an incurable illness, or your entire home is washed away in a hurricane. Small grief can happen when you lose a part of your identity – when you are no longer working...
NO More Shame on Me
“Shame on you!” My sweet and strict Gram points her finger at 8 year old me and I cringe at whatever behavior elicited her Irish wrath. I feel as if I’m been cursed. Shame hasn’t played a prominent role in my life since then. Until recently. Over the past few weeks...
Call Me Crazy… Really. Truly.
Call me crazy, but I’ve been having lots of talks with the Universe these days. They go something like this… Me: WTF?!? Sorry… but really, WTF?!? I’m about to freak out here. I’m feeling helpless. I don’t know what to do. And yes, I know, I get it....
Shaman Guy is SO Smart!!
When I was having my little financial freak out yesterday, I told him that I felt powerless over the situation since he’s the money maker in the family and I’m in the (slow) process of creating income while being the director of children and home. His reply, “Then do...
What To Do When You Feel Like Freaking Out
Dear Self, Here’s What To Do When You Feel Like Freaking Out: 1. Have the tantrum. Gotta start with acceptance. Feel what you feel. Let the tears flow. Listen (but do not believe) all the reasons why you feel idiotic, helpless, pathetic right now. Holding the emotion...
Hang Onto Your Panties
My hands are resting on her back and the images flood through me. Falling backwards. The need to be grounded, nestled into the earth. Mexican healers applying a salve to her knee. When I offer shamanic healing sessions, images appear that support deep healing and...
Holy Day
Today was a holy day for me and my girlies. You won’t find this day marked on any calendar that I know of – except for the calendars of a group of my Shaman Girlfriends. Once a month, we get together for lunch at my house. As Dr. D says, “These Thursdays are like a...