Teachings | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO - Part 15


Holy Day

Today was a holy day for me and my girlies. You won’t find this day marked on any calendar that I know of – except for the calendars of a group of my Shaman Girlfriends. Once a month, we get together for lunch at my house. As Dr. D says, “These Thursdays are like a...

Scrumptious Sick Day

tid-bit/tid bit/A quick, tasty nugget of practical Shaman Girl wisdom for living real, raw & juicy.  Take a bite, Share a bit. Come back for more. “Mimi, this is such a great day. There’s been no hurrying at all!” Shaman Boy says as he cuddled in closer to me....

I am.

Do you ever wake up from a dream that feels vitally important, but you just can’t quite remember it? You lay there for a few moments doing your best to conjure it back up, but all you can grasp are a few fragments. You try to puzzle together the pieces, knowing they...

Let Go. Dive In.

Cold dark water takes my breath away. I’m clutching the deck of a boat, grasping on, afraid to push off and let go. What lurks in the water? I don’t know and my mind can certainly invent some sea monsters. I scrunch my eyes closed and push off, feeling my breath...

I’m Onto You

“Mimi, I’m going to make you annoyed.”   Shaman Boy looks up at me expectantly, with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. He’s happily playing underneath the kitchen table with his trucks and he does NOT want to stop what he is doing to go to school. As my eyes...

Love When The Kids Are Fighting

Tidbit.... How's this for a new perspective? Love every moment, every stage, every phase of life - even, for example, when the kids are fighting. (I know, all YOUR children practice loving kindness in every moment.) Huh? How? Why? Well, when the kids are fighting and...

The Angel of Death

The Angel of Death has been hovering near today - near my dear friend and student Martita Vindiola. What a gift it has been to feel Marta so strongly, so close by when for the past few years we have only been in touch sporadically. Today, I received a call saying that...

Cheerleading Camp

Once a month I open the doors of our home to my Shaman Girl friends who are healers and teachers. In streams a few yoga teachers, a handful massage therapists, various life coaches, artists, some authors, and a shaman or two. Some of us can articulate what we offer...


In the blender. Roto-tilled. In a freefall. That’s how I’ve been feeling the past few weeks, Shaman Girls. Deep stirring. Lots of questions about who I am, what I want to do, and how I relate to my loved ones. Which means there has been self-doubt, anger, tears, and...

The Wounded Truth

Embrace the truth of who you are. You are love and light. Endless possibilities abound. Shine! For years, I’ve heard – and spouted off – these truths. Lately? I just ain’t feeling them, Shaman Girls. Right now they sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher saying...



Our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds. You matter. At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet. Join our tribe!

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