Teachings | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO - Part 7


Conquering the Conflict Behind Speaking Your Truth

As a recovering good girl, I like when people are happy with me – which means my first tendency is to shrink away from telling hard truths. Yet speaking the truth – about how you really feel, what you really want, or what your intuition is telling you, can bring great...

From Annoyed to AWESOME in 2 Steps

“How are you?” A seemingly simple question, and yet the answer often eludes me. Am I annoyed? Or is life AWESOME? Depends on my point of view. Over the holidays, I bonked. Too much sugar, wheat, activity, presents, lights. I went down into that grumpy, annoyed,...

RIP: Shaman Girl is Dead

I’ll never forget the day, a few years ago, when a friend and 1st time client exclaimed to me, “You present yourself as this cute suburban mom, but really you’re a big honkin’ shaman!” For many years I hid behind that mask of the cute suburban mom. Calling myself...

Mothering is a Marathon

I wheeled out of the driveway this past weekend with the sounds of the baby crying and Bodhi grumbling about me going to see a “poopyhead” friend. (Gotta love 7 year old insults.) I did not feel one iota of guilt because a.) I knew the baby would be fine in a few...

Creating a Better Life Sucks

Become More Successful! Happier! Healthier! Find the Perfect Partner! The personal growth/spiritual path is filled with seductive promises of a better life. And while I’m all for more authenticity, contentment, passion, peace or purpose – whatever your heart desires,...

Soul or Role(s)?

“I have a lot on my plate!” my beloved said with a bit of edge. “So do I!” I countered. “No, you don’t,” he retorted. And then a whole dream shattered… While it was tempting to point the finger of blame and become indignant about how Jamie wasn’t seeing or valuing me,...

The Healing Space at Bear Lodge

My Healing Space is finally finished! I'm so excited to share this with you. So here's my shameless self-promotion. Spread the word, won't you please? Having a space of my own, nestled into the woods in the White Mountains is a dream come true. I love walking through...

Daddy’s Girl No More

My dad adored me. I was “the apple of his eye” – a daddy’s girl. He had a quiet presence about him. He was a man of few words. So although he rarely expressed his love or pride aloud, I always had deep certainty that I was loved. He passed this past April and as I...

Untying the Knots

"Your life is filled with so much gratitude," another parent said to me at school drop off this morning. "I really enjoy reading your posts." I laughed. "Well," I replied. "I write those posts to remind myself to be grateful." Heavens knows I'm not always...



Our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds. You matter. At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet. Join our tribe!

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