Teachings | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO - Part 9


What To Do When the Money Dragon Roars

The money dragon has been rearing its head in lots of our lives lately. (You are not alone!)  It bellows can be heard when you face money problems: you work part time to be able to spend time with your kids but have less income, you realize you've taken on a bigger...

Fierce Warrior Woman

When life rears up in your face, When the money dragon roars, And the children cry for your attention, When your friends are shaken, And your partner’s in the trenches too, When your body aches from being sick and tired, And your soul is crying for your attention, Get...

Birthday Giveaway

Happy birthday to me = present to you! I'm giving away 4 Make Me A Meditation Sessions, plus 1 to grow on. Together, we'll collaborate to design you a customized, personalized fits-just-right guided meditation that you can listen to whenever the mood strikes. Yep. The...

I See You, Spiritual Superwoman

This writing was inspired by a vision I had, when I zoomed out and was hovering over the planet observing the time we live in from afar. I dedicate it to you, and to my friends, who are the spiritual superwomen of our times. Do you know how uniquely, amazingly...

Free Guided Meditation to Drop in Deep

I'll have the best of intentions to sit down and meditate - and then life gets in the way. You too? I created this 10 minute meditation to support and guide me in dropping in deep. A little motivation, inspiration + relaxation rolled into one. [audio...

Now Serving Chocolate Chips, Blueberries, and Number…

Like so many of us, I deeply want to be of service. It’s a theme that’s run through my adult life whether it’s been teaching inner-city children or offering shamanic healing and life coaching. Over the last few months I’ve been ruminating over who my ideal client is....

Free Shamanic Journey + Meditation

Lately I've been wishing that I could give a Lightning Bolt Coaching Session to myself. I want to receive the clarity and a vision for my challenges so that I can have the breakthroughs that my clients do! In these sessions, I take my clients on a Shamanic Meditation...

Birthday Love Letter to My Shaman Boy

Life as a mom and a shaman and a business owner can be a whirlwind. Where do the days go? Not to mention the years? How did I get to be a mom, let alone a mom with a child who's old enough for sleepovers? How much have I evolved, and how much do I still knot myself...

Happy Birthing to You

Birthing. To bring new life into this world. Then: it was a beautiful baby boy. Today: it is a new way of navigating this world. Six years ago come Friday I was giving birth to Shaman Boy. It was fast, easy, and intense, bordering on pleasurable. Breath-taking and...

Panties All Knotted Up?

“Every time you feel the needing, the yearning, the striving… for the boyfriend, the money, the job, the success… it’s really a desire to rest in your being. So why not plop yourself down and give it to yourself?” I’m lying in savasana at the end of a divine yoga...



Our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds. You matter. At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet. Join our tribe!

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