S: Temple Tenders | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO

Temple Tenders

of Sacred Woman Sanctuary
for my Paonia/North Fork Valley Sisters

Local Full Moon Ceremony with Online Broadcast
Thursday, October 17th, 5:30-7:30 pm MT
The Opaloka, Pitkin Mesa, Paonia, CO
Time converter here.

Your Full Moon Ceremony is Free!
Then we hope you’ll be inspired to join as a member with all the benefits.


From the depths of my soul…
I ask you to join me in being
the heart and foundation of our spiritual community.

Sacred Practices with Meghan Gilroy

Come in, come in, my love. Welcome. Make yourself at home.

May I embrace you in a warm hug?

I see your tender, caring, giving, empathic heart. Your love.

And I see how tired you are – how tired we all are.

Exhausted by the daily demands on your time and energy.

Saturated from not having spaciousness for what fills you up and ignites your light.

Overwhelmed by the way today’s world is set up with its constant doing and pushing as you try to meet the demands of family, work, friends, health, money and self care.

You tend to so many. Let’s make the time monthly to replenish yourself.

You deserve to be tended to as sacred. As do all women, the Sacred Feminine and our Mother Earth.

Once, a long time ago, so long ago it could have been yesterday…

we lived in harmony with nature in cycles of giving and receiving, work and rest.

The veil between Spirit world and our daily lives was thin.

Women were revered as sacred.

Breathe that in. Women were revered, tended to and treated as sacred.

If you trace your blood lineage back far enough, you’ll find a shaman, medicine woman, witch, priestess, healer, midwife.

Yet we’ve been systemically cut off from our spiritual roots and from our lands.

We are part of a broken lineage of the Sacred Feminine – and yet she has still found ways to exist and encode in our blood and bones.

In Sacred Woman, we rise.

Now let’s get real…

Have you ever seen an absolutely stunning altar or beautifully color-coordinated ceremony on social media and both lusted for the experience – while also being a little intimidated?

This is not that. This is real life.

Our altar, ceremonies and community are messy.

Our muddy boots are tipped over by the door. Our coats are bunched behind our chairs. Our hair isn’t perfect.

Sometimes we can make it this month… and other months, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t.

So if you’re worried…

What if you don’t know all how this all works? What if you can’t keep up?

What if this moon cycle, your kids are pulling at you, you haven’t slept, you’re trying to figure out work or you and your honey are in a rough patch?

It’s okay. You’ve found your spiritual home.



Each new moon I release a way to turn inward, listen to your soul and support you in creating your own ceremony to plant your “seed of intent” for this cycle. This “mystery” might be a recorded guided soul journey & meditation, a Masterclass by an incredible practitioner, or a teaching or prompts to deepen your connection to your inner self.



Weave these your 9 essential Sacred Practices into your life & our ceremonies – designing a spiritual practice, altar building, energy tending, accessing intuition & Spirit Guides, emotional release & regulation, belief work, oracles cards & crystals. Use them to center yourself & calm your nervous system so you can handle the ups and downs in these emotionally charged times.



Each moon cycle we gather – always online and most often with an in-person option for local sisters to release what’s come forward since the new moon, celebrate your growth and call in more support for your dreams and desires. We invoke the power of gathering in sacred ceremony along with facilitated sisterhood sharing circles.

What will you receive as a Temple Tender?

Here’s what you’ll be receiving as part of Sacred Woman:

  • A monthly Full Moon Ceremony with facilitated Sisterhood Sharing Circles (always broadcast live online and most often simultaneously in-person from the North Fork Valley in Colorado)
  • A monthly New Moon Mystery (such as a recorded soul journey, teaching or prompts)
  • 1 Exhale Moon Cycle each year to honor rest and time off
  • Sacred Practices Course with 9 video training modules, meditations & study guides
  • How to Host Your Own Sacred Woman Circle Guide
  • First-to-know access for in-person gatherings and retreats

In addition, here’s what you’ll be receiving as a Temple Tender:

  • 1/2 off discount of your Sacred Woman membership in exchange for your service
  • Extra Online Training on How to Be a Temple Tender
  • Priority reservation for in-person Full Moon Ceremonies when you signed up to be in service

In addition, a percentage of your membership will be donated each month to Western Slope Native American Resource Center in honor of the Utes or to Western Slope Conservation Center to protect this land.

Your first Full Moon Ceremony is Free!
Then we hope you’ll be inspired to join as a member with all the benefits.
The Opaloka, Pitkin Mesa, Paonia, CO


Founding Temple Tender Special
1/2 off Sacred Woman

What is a Temple Tender?

Temple tending is an act of “seva” or service. It benefits you are the Tender as much as the community and the Temple.

As a Temple Tender, you’ll show up to be in service at least 4 times a year in exchange for extra training and a discount on the membership and course.

What will you be asked to do? You could be:

  • Building & putting away the altar
  • Sage-ing sisters as we enter
  • Grounding & energetically clearing the Temple space
  • Setting up or breaking down the circle with chairs and blankets
  • Welcoming & checking in sisters
  • Making tea or refreshing water
  • Sweeping out the Temple
  • Directing cars for parking

Generally your service takes 30 minutes or less before or after the ceremony.

It’s the opportunity to not only tend to the Temple and community, but be tended to yourself.

What is the difference between Sacred Woman and Temple Tenders?

You receive all the same benefits as our online sisters in Sacred Woman – with a 1/2 off discount.

You receive an extra online training on How to be a Temple Tender and how to apply the Sacred Practices Course to Temple Tending.

And you are given priority to reserve one of the 30 spots for the live Full Moon Ceremonies in person when you’ve signed up to be in service.

It means the world to me to have the support of my local sisters!

You are welcome to join Temple Tenders if your primary residence is in the North Fork Valley and you can commit to supporting the Full Moon Ceremonies 4 times a year.

If you’d like to be a part of Sacred Woman and you do not have the time or interest in Temple Tenders, then please join us here.


Meet Meghan Gilroy,
your shaman & guide

In case you don’t know me… Even though I was named a “nagual” (shaman) in the Toltec lineage in my early twenties and quietly offered ceremonies, women’s circles and spiritual pilgrimages to my inner circle for decades, I hid my spiritual gifts and who I am from my family, friends and clients while being so, so hard on myself.

Constantly pushing, overachieving, overthinking, trying to make sure everyone else was happy, I exhausted myself and missed out on the sweetness and pleasure in life.

Yet my soul was relentless in speaking to me, calling me to own “You are sacred.”

Over and over, I have been invited to shed old ways of being, hold myself with gentleness no matter what, prioritize my sacred self-care and step into my power as a priestess, healer & spiritual teacher.

Now, I guide women to listen to the messages from our souls and claim ourselves as sacred and powerful through Sacred Woman Sanctuary and my shamanic healing work.

I’m honored to authentically and vulnerably share my journey with you. Thank you for being here, now. We are meant for so much more – and we’re in this together.

Praise for Meghan’s Work & Community

“Your incredible teachings, deep wisdom and community continuously enrich and transform my very being, helping me to shine brighter for others on my path. I now have the confidence to step into the world as an authentic woman with a voice. Now is our time. You model so much we women feel but have never been able to express.”

Mathilda Bowen

Therapeutic storyteller & Coach

“I feel a personal connection to each sister and to the group, knowing we are all authentic. I have wholeheartedly opened myself to be vulnerable, with the deep sense of non-judgment to be who I am and my sisters always extended their loving support. I do not have that in my physical personal life, and I am grateful to experience it here.”
Susan Heritage

Earth Mama

“I want to sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and bow to this magical creation of yours. Your gift has transformed my life in every imaginable way. I am the woman I have always dreamt of being, creating the life of my dreams. I know without a doubt that I would not be here without you and this incredible community.”
Sophie Nazerad

World Traveler & Philanthropist

“My heart is overwhelmed with joy & love. I am in sheer amazement of what I just felt during my first ceremony. It was pure love! No judgement & all support! I can count on one hand how many times other people have ever made me feel like I do right now. I belong, am understood & all of me is embraced & loved.” 



Frequently Asked Questions

Who is welcome within Sacred Woman?

Sacred Woman is welcoming space for all women, those who identify as women and those who are non-binary and gender queer. Once a year, we open our circle to our sisters’ male partners and those who identify as male. We also have one ceremony where children are invited – and nursing babies are always welcome.

We are an inclusive community who are working to learn and grow together around the Sacred Feminine.

If you are looking for support for your man or the men in your life, I highly recommend my husband, Jamie Gilroy, and his work.

Ultimately, our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds to bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. You matter. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet.

If this is your spiritual community, your sanctuary, come join us!

Is this a religion? What if I'm Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or Muslim?

Sacred Woman is a spiritual community that embraces the Sacred Feminine, which can be found buried within all religions and exists beyond any organized structure.

Joining Sacred Woman is an invitation to remember, reawaken and incorporate this way of being into all aspects of your life.

You can be any religion and still be a part of Sacred Woman. And many women who have felt uncomfortable or unwelcome within traditional religions that have patriarchal or top-down structures love being part of a Sacred Feminine community. Welcome!

Is this online? In-person? And does this really work?

This is both an online and in-person community & course. We are rooted in our land, at the headwaters of the Colorado River in the North Fork Valley. And we broadcast to our sisters around the world, inviting you to actively and fully weave into our Full Moon Ceremonies & Sacred Sisterhood Sharing Circles – while having access to the Sacred Practices course and New Moon Mysteries at any time from your home.

If you’re not into being on the internet or online learning, then feel free to come to the in-person Full Moon Ceremonies (and you will be missing out on the supportive New Moon Mysteries and Sacred Practices training videos).

Sacred Woman is designed to support you on your own path. You’re also supported in hosting your own local Sacred Woman Circle who can join the virtual gatherings so we nourish and spread this way of life and mycelium network of amazing women.

We’ve heard from so many sisters around the world that they don’t know anyone in their physical location who they feel they can share their whole self with… or they don’t have the time or money to travel… or they don’t want to wait until the next time I offer a retreat.

Sacred Woman embraces both the incredible synergy that is tangibly felt when women physically gather and the connectivity of the internet that opens connections and growth we wouldn’t experience otherwise. The energy can be felt everywhere!

Is this a membership? A course? Or???

Both. As long as you are a member of Sacred Woman, you have access to the New Moon Mystery, Full Moon Ceremonies, Sacred Sisterhood Sharing Circles and the course Sacred Practices.

How long do I have to be a member? Can I access all the material at once?

We ask that you join us for at least 3 months/moon cycles – and we’d love for you to stay as long as you’d like, or for forever!

You’ll receive instant access to the Sacred Practices Course and all past recordings, then you’ll be able to join each Full Moon Ceremony & Sacred Sisterhood Sharing Circle (which are recorded if you can’t make it live) as well as the recorded New Moon Mystery.

Most women like to take the time to integrate each Sacred Practice into your life – and you are welcome to watch the course at your own pace.

How do I come to the live Full Moon Ceremonies?

We have in-person 30 spaces for each Full Moon Ceremony and unlimited online spaces. Full Moon Ceremonies are always held online and most often also held live in-person in Paonia, Colorado at the Opaloka on Pitkin Mesa.

Your first Full Moon Ceremony in person is free. Then we ask that you join as a member and receive the full benefits – otherwise it is $44 to come as a drop in.

You do need to make a reservation if you wish to attend live. We ask that if you cannot make it, that you let us know as soon as possible so we can release the space to another sister.

Each Full Moon Ceremony, we send an email to make your reservation and it’s on a first reservation basis.

We do reserve 5 tickets for our Temple Tenders, who are the local sisters who support holding the sacred space.

If you live in the North Fork Valley and do not wish to be a Temple Tender who is in service at the ceremonies at least 4 times a year, you can join with a regular Sacred Woman Sanctuary membership and still join us live. Find out more here.

Can I invite friends or out of town guests to join me for the ceremonies in person? online?

Yes! Your guests first ceremony is free and then we ask that you invite her to consider joining Sacred Woman Sanctuary with her own membership with full benefits – or her next in-person ceremony is $44 to drop in.

You are also welcome to have friends join you online if you prefer to watch from home and you can use your How to Host a Sacred Woman Circle Guide to support you. Then please extend the invitation to join as a member.

If you’d like to be an Ambassador and receive a paid “thank you” for inviting in women, we are happy to share the wealth. You can find out more here.

Let’s grow this incredible community together!

What's your cancellation policy?

We ask that you join us for at least 3 months/moon cycles  – and you can cancel at anytime 48 hours before your membership renews. We do not offer refunds for your current membership plan, whether you are on a monthly or yearly cycle.

Your first Full Moon Ceremony is Free!
Then we hope you’ll be inspired to join as a member with all the benefits.
Friday, June 21st, 6 – 8pm
The Opaloka, Pitkin Mesa, Paonia, CO


Founding Temple Tender Special
1/2 off Sacred Woman


Our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds. You matter. At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet. Join our tribe!

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