We Believe In
- Owning your inner light and sharing your soul’s gifts so that you can show up as fully shining woman, leading our world with passion and purpose
- Creating a bold, soul-fulfilling business filled with harmony that resonates with your soul, heart and lifestyle
- Doing your inner work, honing your gifts, living what you teach or share as you continue to grow and evolve as a heart-based soul-led entrepreneur and caring human being
- Following what your soul says even when it’s scary, uncomfortable or feels vulnerable (or contradicts advice you’re given, including ours)
- Bringing your full, warm, compassionate, kind, fierce, daring, direct, honest, authentic, messy, vulnerable self to all that you do
- Defining success on your own terms with a business model and marketing that works uniquely for YOU
- Using your deepest gifts and talents to be of true service – not just resorting to the skills you’re good at or can do
- Going for a life and business that’s 100% soul-satisfying, even if you’re pretty happy with 80%
- Knowing that the success comes and the opportunities unfold when you follow the breadcrumbs based on what you enjoy and love

- Making yourself your top priority
- Speaking your truth even when it’s hard
- Resting when you need to (that’s why you typically won’t hear from me on weekends)
- Easy – it no longer needs to be done with will, hard work or struggle
- Trusting your gut, intuition and heart to make decisions even when you don’t understand why
- Allowing who you are, your true nature, your personality, your strengths, your story, your challenges to be enough – you don’t need to push, pretend or do more
- Whole heartedly supporting and uplifting other women – there’s enough for everyone
- Living from a place of abundance and not letting money dictate our choices or limit our dreams
- Considering your impact on Mama Earth and spending rejuvenating time in nature
Why just fully shining WOMEN?
Our world needs fully shining humans of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds.
You matter.
At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world.
My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet.
If you do not identify as a woman and are looking for a mentor, please contact me for some stellar recommendations!
Shine on!

- Be an inspiration and model for other businesses and individuals, starting with our presence and extending through our teachings and business practices. We walk our talk.
- Make decisions based on source, silence, common sense + vision
- Speak up against racism, sexism, sexual prejudice or religious tolerance of any kind.
- Pay our team members and ourselves generously as a symbol of our caring and appreciation.
- Give back to non-profit organizations that align with our values
- Foster a balance of work and play so there is ample time for self-care, pleasure and rejuvenation
- Organize our workflow so there is freedom and flexibility in our schedules
- Align and collaborate with organizations, world leaders, international businesses, healers, visionaries and creatives who are receptive to our work
- Serve our clients deeply by listening to their needs and offering soul-sourced solutions
- Prioritize our goals and discern when to respond to each situation
- Seek partners and mentors that help us grow
- Create a tribe who loves us and we love them, and is aligned with our purpose
- Strategically create business systems, plans and structures
- Address times when we do not live up to these principles with gentleness and acceptance that fosters growth