Why We Need YOU… now! | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO

Maybe you’ve noticed that the world seems a little crazy, fast-paced and problem-filled right now. I try not to turn on the news, but, wow, there are so many social, political, financial, environment and spiritual challenges going on.

Beyond what’s happening globally, just in my own small Colorado mountain town, in my own circle (and with myself), we’re bravely navigating health issues, marital problems, troubles with our children, homes and parents – not to mention the whole town’s water was shut off for a few days!

And that’s where you come in, my heart-centered entrepreneurial friends. I am repeatedly gob smacked at how crazy talented my community is – whether you’re a coach, healer, yoga teacher, massage therapist or even in a career that you bring a heart-based bent to.

I am uplifted to be a part of this heart-centered business revolution where we care as much about making money as we do about making a difference. We have unique out-of-the-box solutions and innate talents to help solve all these pressing problems on this planet.

And we need more caring and more solutions, don’t you agree?


There are days when I get frustrated with the world, myself or my business and wonder if I’m making a difference.

Please – NEVER underestimate what one person can do, as my clients are so kind to remind me.

If you’re in a place of excitement, passion, inspiration and creativity, that energy ripples out and creates a harmonious and positive vibe. If you are tapping into your intuition or gifts and serving others, then you are bringing more happiness, success, health – whatever your specialty is, to others.

And that matters. You matter. And it sure as heck matters to your clients.

Now starting and growing a successful heart-centered business is no small undertaking. And it’s my mission to support you.

I’m finding it’s so easy to get scattered and overwhelmed in my life and business with all that’s going on that I need to make the time regularly to set my intentions and prioritize my to do list. That way I’m grounded, focused and organized – and in tune with myself.

So I’ve created a Set Your Intentions Meditation to tap into how you want to feel, assess your energy and know your exact plan for your week or day. You can grab this free gift here: http://bit.ly/intentionsmeditation

It’s my way of saying thank you for being you. Thank you for being a positive force in this world.

Our planet needs you. xo

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